by Becca Barth | Oct 6, 2022 | Insights
Would you perform your own appendectomy?Then don’t tackle your own Business Combination! For externally audited companies following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and complying with the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Accounting Standards...
by Becca Barth | Sep 19, 2022 | Insights
The current state of our economy has everyone feeling the effects of rising interest rates and inflation, whether buying a new car or making a trip to the grocery store. But what do these key economic markers mean to the value of businesses and what actions do...
by Becca Barth | Aug 30, 2022 | Estate Planning, Insights
For closely held and family-owned businesses, a strategic estate plan is an essential part of protecting wealth and after-tax net worth. Family-owned or closely held businesses often make it a priority to keep the business in the family. Transitioning the business to...
by Becca Barth | Aug 30, 2022 | Estate Planning, Insights
The U.S. stock market has officially entered a bear market for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic sent the stock market into a brief but deep dive back in March of 2020. Before this, you would have to look all the way back to the 2008 financial crisis to find...
by Becca Barth | Jul 13, 2022 | Insights
When selling a business, owners who are charitably inclined can get a much bigger charitable bang for their buck if they plan ahead and take action before the sale, rather than making a donation after the sale with the sale proceeds. The key is to make a donation of...